Welcome to the Good Job! Minecraft Server

Happy Gaming! - Kydane <3

Server connection information

Server url: goodjobminecraft.com
Admin Address: https://goodjobminecraft.com/admin/?instance=d73ca703


Step 1: Download Java
Microsoft can be downloaded from Microsoft. I recommend using Microsoft OpenJDK Version 17

Once downloaded, run the installer.

Step 2: Download and Install Forge Installer
The installer can be downloaded from:

With Java installed, you should just be able to double click and run the installer. If this isn't working, you might need to
open a command shell and type the following:

java -jar C:%HOMEPATH%\Downloads\forge-installer.jar

Step 3: Install the Server mods
All these mods can be download conveniently here.


Currently, the installed mods are: All Mods should be extracted to: %APPDATA%\.minecraft\mods

Step 4: Run Minecraft with Forge
When you launch the Minecraft Launcher. You should have a "Forge" option. Launch the game with this option.